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JClouds: How to list EC2 nodes in just one region?

Calling listNodes() on EC2 takes several minutes to run, because it queries each EC2 region in a row. This is a long time, especially if I know where I want to be looking for my nodes.

Any way of making the query more focused or otherwise more efficient?


  1. Somehow customize the ComputeService to work with specific regions
  2. Have all the queries run concurrently


  • You have several options to improve that.

    • You can limit the regions jclouds will connect to by setting the jclouds.regions property to the comma separated list of the regions you want to use.
    • You can configure filters for the queries that are performed to get the list of images by setting them in the jclouds.ec2.ami-query property.

    You can find the default values for both properties in the AWSEC2ProviderMetadata.