I've been attempting this for a couple of weeks now. It's a pretty simple concept.
I just want to read messages off of an Azure cloud queue (Not a service buss!) from a local installation of BizTalk Server 2013 R2 and then allow BizTalk to do something with that message on our internal network. I am following this sort of example for creating a port to the Azure Queue:
In my case, this needs to be a receive (it will be receiving queue messages). So, I have a receive location which is a WCF-WebHttp adapter pointed to: https://myappname.queue.core.windows.net/ with operations like:
<Operation Name="Query" Method="Get" Url="/myqueue/messages"/>
<Operation Name="Remove" Method="Delete" Url="/myqueue/messages"/>
That doesn't seem to magically do anything, and i'm not sure how I would initiate a read call to the Azure queue from BizTalk. Do I need to initiate a polling message of some sort? How would I do that with a WCF-WebHttp adapter port?
Maybe the question is: How do I make the orchestration which starts with a WCF-WebHttp receive location do something? Ie. how do I make it poll the queue / what should I be starting the orchestration with?
WCF-WebHttp doesn't have any built in polling mechanism. You'll have to create or simulate one.
You'll need to do some custom implementation for this at this point. There are a lot of different options, but I'd probably go with something like one of these.