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How do I receive command output immediately?

I'm using perl back-ticks syntax to run some commands. I would like the output of the command to written to a file and also printed out to stdout. I can accomplish the first by adding a > at the end of my back-ticked string, but I do not know hot to make the output be printed as soon as it is generated. If I do something like

print `command`; 

the output is printed only after command finished executing.

Thanks, Dave


  • You cannot do it with the backticks, as they return to the Perl program only when the execution has finished.


    print  `command1; command2; command3`;

    will wait until command3 finishes to output anything.

    You should use a pipe instead of backticks to be able to get output immediately:

    open (my $cmds, "-|", "command1; command2; command3");
    while (<$cmds>) {
    close $cmds;

    After you've done this, you then have to see if you want or not buffering (depending on how immediate you want the output to be): Suffering from buffering?

    To print and store the output, you can open() a file to write the output to:

    open (my $cmds, "-|", "command1; command2; command3");
    open (my $outfile, ">", "file.txt");
    while (<$cmds>) {
            print $outfile $_;
    close $cmds;
    close $outfile;