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Angular chaining promises from foreach loop

I have an array of photo files that needed to upload to Azure Cloud Storage, and i using foreach loop to call upload as below:

$scope.savetemplate = function () { 
     var imagePathsArray = [];

     $scope.filesimage = [];

    for (var i in $scope.filesimage) {

    $ = imagePathsArray ;

              //after finish uploads i need to post the paths 
              //of all images to save into database

$scope.upload = function (file) {
       url: '/uploadImage',
       data: { file: file }
    }).then(function (resp) {

}; returns azure storage path and i need to push the paths into the imagePathsArray

How can i uses Angular Promise to wait for upload all the files finished and all the paths are stored in the imagePathsArray so i can proceed with

 $ = imagePathsArray ;

so that i can get the paths in the array and perform $http post?


  • You can do that with $q.all.

    var promises = [];
    for (var i in $scope.filesimage) {
    $q.all(promises).then(function() {
        $ = imagePathsArray ;
              //after finish uploads i need to post the paths 
              //of all images to save into database
    function upload(file) {
        return Upload.upload({
           url: '/uploadImage',
           data: { file: file }
        }).then(function (resp) {