In Laravel 4.2, the following Eloquent query will remove the attributes that are specified in the array. I want to do a similar operation in which I exclude all attributes by default and only include the ones that are in an array. How can I do this? I suspect that the answer may have something to do with defining a custom $appends array on the model before running the query, but I don't know how to do this.
return MyModel::all()->each(function($row) {
In your model
protected $excludedColumns = ['attr1', 'attr2'];
public function scopeExcludeColumns($query) {
return $query->select(array_diff(Schema::getColumnListing($this->table), $this->excludedColumns));
$result = Model::excludedColumns()->all();
another option is to setup $hidden property on model by folowing
protected $hidden = array('attr1','attr2');
but it will exclude this fields from model only when call $result->toArray;
or $result->toJson();