In the PayPal documentation for CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile API Operation, it specifies:
MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS: (Optional) Number of scheduled payments that can fail before the profile is automatically suspended. An IPN message is sent to the merchant when the specified number of failed payments is reached.
Character length and limitations: Number string representing an integer
However, it does not mention anything about what happens when you set the MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS to zero.
From this SO answer: PayPal Subscription Payment Failed
If MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS > 0 is set, it will cancel the subscription after n number of attempts and you'll receive a subscr_cancel. If you have it set to MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS=0, you'll get recurring_payment_skipped and the recurring payment will be marked as having an outstanding balance.
I believe that setting MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS=0 will create an account with MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS showing as "No Limit." Can anyone confirm that this is the case?
Confirmed that setting MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS=0 will create an account with MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS showing as "No Limit" on PayPal. Setting MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS=1 will trigger the IPN message "recurring_payment_suspended_due_to_max_failed_payment" on the first failed payment.