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Rendr App.router.currentView is undefined

When my Rendr app boots, App.router.currentView always evaluates to undefined and this in turn breaks my client side rendering as

if (this.currentView) {

does not evalutate to true in the funcion ClientRouter.prototype.getRenderCallback in the file /node_modules/rendr/client/router.js. I've tried tracking down where hte router.currentView is getting set and why it is undefined for me without much luck. Any thoughts on what might be causing this?


  • sounds like you're probably not setting up the app_view correctly, as it was stated before it's pretty hard to figure out exactly what's wrong though :(

    My thought would be to make sure you check app_view and look at the way you're doing view inheritance. The last idea is that you're not following the template structure quite right so the views name isn't being evaluated as expected.