I am tinkering around with webpages on a LAMP server running Apache2 and was wondering if it was possible to make a directory accessible only to your web pages and not from outside?
Example scenario:
Directory to protect: dir1 containing images (jpg, png)
My own webpage: mypage.html that calls images from dir1
My website: www.myweb.com that contains both dir1 and mypage.html
Currently, files inside the website can be accessed via www.myweb.com/dir1/somefile.jpg or by calling mypage.html
I would like it to only be accessible by calling mypage.html
I have tried the following:
modifying .htaccess to disallow access of image types
<files "*.jpg">
deny from all
(doesn't work because mypage.html cannot access it either)
Modify apache2 conf file with:
<Directory /var/www/dir1>
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
(this actually semi-worked as it allowed me to write to directory but not read, maybe this can be modified to allow requests coming from internal web pages to go through?)
I guess to conclude, is there a way to get Apache2 to ONLY accept requests to access a directory if it is of a certain url of your choosing?
Thanks in advance.
So, I've decided that the approaches I've taken so far really don't cut it and found you could actually call a php function where
<img src='somefile.php?query=xxx' alt='pic'>
and where in the somefile.php I have that takes in img file name created from the query above.
echo file_get_contents($imgresource);
By serving the image from a php script and blocking this php script from being called without proper credentials, sessions, cookies and IP blocking, there is some security set.
So I guess it doesn't really answer the question in its entirety of blocking access only to some URLs but it works for the purpose of not being able to be accessed externally since I have buried the directory below (or above?) the web root directory where it can't be called from a url and only from internal script.