So I have been able to take a multi-page TIFF file and convert it to a single jpeg image but it flattens the TIFF. By flatten it, I mean it only returns the first page. The goal is to retrieve the TIFF (via memory stream), open each page of the TIFF and append it to a new jpeg (or any web image). Thus creating one long image to view on the web without the aid of a plugin. I do have the MODI.dll installed but I am not sure how to use it in this instance but it is an option.
Source Code (using a FileHandler):
#region multi-page tiff to single page jpeg
var byteFiles = dfSelectedDocument.File.FileBytes; // <-- FileBytes is a byte[] or byte array source.
byte[] jpegBytes;
using( var inStream = new MemoryStream( byteFiles ) )
using( var outStream = new MemoryStream() ) {
System.Drawing.Image.FromStream( inStream ).Save( outStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg );
jpegBytes = outStream.ToArray();
context.Response.ContentType = "image/JPEG";
context.Response.AddHeader( "content-disposition",
string.Format( "attachment;filename=\"{0}\"",
dfSelectedDocument.File.FileName.Replace( ".tiff", ".jpg" ) )
context.Response.Buffer = true;
context.Response.BinaryWrite( jpegBytes );
I'm guessing that you'll have to loop over each frame in the TIFF.
Here's an excerpt from Split multi page tiff file:
private void Split(string pstrInputFilePath, string pstrOutputPath)
//Get the frame dimension list from the image of the file and
Image tiffImage = Image.FromFile(pstrInputFilePath);
//get the globally unique identifier (GUID)
Guid objGuid = tiffImage.FrameDimensionsList[0];
//create the frame dimension
FrameDimension dimension = new FrameDimension(objGuid);
//Gets the total number of frames in the .tiff file
int noOfPages = tiffImage.GetFrameCount(dimension);
ImageCodecInfo encodeInfo = null;
ImageCodecInfo[] imageEncoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
for (int j = 0; j < imageEncoders.Length; j++)
if (imageEncoders[j].MimeType == "image/tiff")
encodeInfo = imageEncoders[j];
// Save the tiff file in the output directory.
if (!Directory.Exists(pstrOutputPath))
foreach (Guid guid in tiffImage.FrameDimensionsList)
for (int index = 0; index < noOfPages; index++)
FrameDimension currentFrame = new FrameDimension(guid);
tiffImage.SelectActiveFrame(currentFrame, index);
tiffImage.Save(string.Concat(pstrOutputPath, @"\", index, ".TIF"), encodeInfo, null);
You should be able to adapt the logic above to append onto your JPG rather than create separate files.