Here is the line of code that receives the issue code:
let CompetitionDayDifference = userCalendar.components (dayCalendarUnit, fromDate: currentDate!, toDate: competitionDay, options: nil)
Issue code:
Cannot convert value of type NSDateComponents to expected argument type NSCalendarUnit
Additional code:
let userCalendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
let competitionDate = NSDateComponents()
competitionDate.year = 2015
competitionDate.month = 6 = 21
competitionDate.hour = 08
competitionDate.minute = 00
let competitionDay = userCalendar.dateFromComponents(competitionDate)!
// Here we compare the two dates
let dayCalendarUnit = calendar.components([NSCalendarUnit.Day, NSCalendarUnit.Hour, NSCalendarUnit.Minute], fromDate: date)
//here we change the seconds to hours,minutes and days
let CompetitionDayDifference = userCalendar.components (dayCalendarUnit, fromDate: currentDate!, toDate: competitionDay, options: [])
Based on the error, your dayCalendarUnit
is a variable of type NSDateComponents. You should be passing an NSCalendarUnit
instead. You also cannot pass nil
for the options parameter as of Swift 2.0, so you would need to pass an empty option set:
let CompetitionDayDifference = userCalendar.components(NSCalendarUnit.Day, fromDate: currentDate!, toDate: competitionDay, options: [])