Search code examples

Points of interest for zip code

I"m looking for way to get list of points of interests like airports, parks, etc. per zip code using Bing maps. Believe me, I search google but it looks like my google is broken since I can't find anything useful. I just need a way to get that info. If there is like a list that would be even better. Any help is appreciated fellows. Is there a simple URL where I can pass in my bing map key, a category and longitude/latitude and get a list of point of interests?


  • You could use the NAVTEQ point of interest data sources that are in the Bing spatial Data Services here:

    You can use the Query API to filter on the PostalCode property:

    Here is an example that gets points of interests that are in zip code 98004 and returns the results as XML:$filter=PostalCode%20eq%20'98004'&$top=250&o=xml&key=YOUR_BING_MAPS_KEY

    That said, make sure that your use case does not go against this restriction in the Bing Maps terms of use:

    (h)Use Content that consists of points of interest data to generate sales leads information in the form of ASCII or other text-formatted lists of category-specific business listings which (i) include complete mailing address for each business; and (ii) contain a substantial portion of such listings for a particular country, city, state or zip code region.