Search code examples

Failing to open HTTPS pages in PhantomJS using Splinter

I'm trying to use PhantomJS to write a scraper but even the example in the documentation of is not working. I guess the problem is "https", I tested it with http and it is working. Can you please give me a solution? I tested it using firefox and it works.

from splinter import Browser

with Browser("phantomjs") as browser:
    # Optional, but make sure large enough that responsive pages don't
    # hide elements on you...
    browser.driver.set_window_size(1280, 1024)

    # Open the page you want...

    # submit the search form...
    browser.fill("q", "parliament")
    button = browser.find_by_css("button[type='submit']")

    # Scrape the data you like...
    links = browser.find_by_css(".search-results .list-group-item")
    for link in links:
        print link['href']

PhantomJS is not working on https urls?


  • Splinter uses the Selenium WebDriver bindings (example) for Python under the hood, so you can simply pass the necessary options like this:

    with Browser("phantomjs", service_args=['--ignore-ssl-errors=true', '--ssl-protocol=any']) as browser:

    See PhantomJS failing to open HTTPS site for why those options might be necessary. Take a look at the PhantomJS commandline interface for more options.