I want to find NUMBER, but skip H1 , H2 , H3 and so on.. (all possible HTML heading variants)
Example 1:
<div>Today is good day. I got<h3>3<span> lotto tickets</span></h3></div>
Example 2:
I want to buy lotto tickets. <h1>Maybe 10 is enough</h1>
Example 3:
I want to buy lotto tickets. <h1>4 or 5</h1> is enough.
I have this code:
lotto tickets\D{0,15}(\d+\,\d+|\d+\.\d+|\d+)
But every time i get numbers from HTML tag.. <h3>
(3) , <h1>
How i can skip them?
In example 1 i should get nothing
In example 2 i should get number 10
In example 3 i should get number 4
(Numbers can be with . or , example: 2.5)
This is one of those instances where perhaps regex isn't being used correctly.
Yes, you could it just with regex, but a easier way to do it (as well as being faster to run), would be to run strip_tags() on your string first to get rid of all the HTML tags, and then just do a standard regex for the numbers.
$string = "<h3>This is post number 10</h3>";
$cleanString = strip_tags($string);