I'm working on a Rmarkdown document, and was told to strictly limit to a maximum number of columns (margin column) of 100. In the document's code chunks I used many different packages, among which is data.table
In order to comply with the limit I can split chains (and even long commands) like:
p <- ggplot(foo,aes(bar,foo2))+
bar <- sum(long_variable_name_here,
foo <- bar %>%
group_by(var) %>%
but I can't split a data.table
chain, as it produces an error. How can I achieve something like this?
bar <- foo[,.(long_name_here=sum(foo2)),by=var]
Last line, of course, causes an error. Thanks!
You have to give a return between the [
and ]
of each line. An example for how to divide your data.table code over several lines:
bar <- foo[, .(long_name_here = sum(foo2)), by = var
You can also give a return before / after each comma. An example with a return before the comma (my preference):
bar <- foo[, .(long_name_here = sum(foo2))
, by = var
, long_name_2 := long_name_here * 10]