I'm looking to deploy mapping functionality in the Work Execution app within the Maximo Anywhere framework. The issue I'm having is the app throws an error when I attempt to go into the "Map of Work Orders" screen. The error that displays on the screen is
"Unable to show map. It is possible that the value for the providerURL property is invalid. Contact your administrator."
When I look into the logging data I get a bunch of lines about OpenLayersMap.js - stating that the providerURL is wrong.
In the app.xml for the WorkExecution app we have this configured in the Map tag (line 3320 in our config)
<map adjustToTop="true" androidLocalMapUrl="file://mnt/sdcard/basemaps/Manhattan.tpk" id="WorkExecution.MapView_esri_true" iosLocalMapUrl="Manhattan.tpk" iosMapAccessMethod="useDocumentsFolder" layoutInsertAt="map" provider="esri" workOfflineResource="workOrder" providerUrl="http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}"/>
Additionally, we've enabled maps in the app-feature.properties file by setting map.enabled=true
Does anyone have online maps working in a test environment on 7.5.2 in the work execution app? If so, mind sharing their config if it hits a public server, or point out what's wrong with ours?
This message inform you that the value for providerUrl
is invalid or that this connection to the server could not be achieved. I checked here and it seems that this value is correct.
Are you using the adminmode? Because internally, the value for providerUrl
from app.xml
can be replaced by the value of providerUrl
from the server via adminmode (maximo). To check if you are using it, take a look at your worklight.properties
file and if the property for si.adminmode
is true
, you need to confirm if the value put on maximo to providerUrl
is a valid one.