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How to add attribute to all particular children of a node

I have the following node in which I want to add attribute to all add nodes.

  <b att1="x">x</b>

I tried

functx:add-attributes($test, xs:QName('att1'), 1)

It can add the attribute to the test node. But

When I tried

functx:add-attributes($test/add, xs:QName('att1'), 1)

It added the attribute to the first add node but returns only add node with added attribute. Then when I tried with $test//add it throws error.

When I tried

for $add in $test//add 
   return functx:add-attributes($add, xs:QName('att1'), 1)

It returns two add nodes individually. Now, how to restructure the original node to add the attributes to only the specified nodes.


  • First, let me point out that there is a difference in how this is done for just in-memory use versus updating the content of the database. For the latter, you could do:

    for $add in $test//add
        attribute atta1 { 1 }

    To change it in memory, which is what functx does, you'll be making a copy of the original, making changes in the copy as you build it. This is called recursive descent and is a pretty common pattern. I wrote a blog post a while ago that shows how to implement recursive descent, but essentially you'll do a typeswitch that, when it encounters an "add" element, creates the new attribute. You can use the functx function for that. Something along these lines (untested):

    declare function local:change($node) 
        case element(add) return 
          functx:add-attributes($node, xs:QName('att1'), 1)
        case element() return 
          element { fn:node-name($node) } { 
            $node/node() ! local:change(.)
        default return $node 

    This code assumes that an add element won't have add elements inside of it; if you will, then you'd want to do something like the second case for the first.