I have a web application (Tomcat, Java, Netbeans). I am not able to locate my document root. my catalina_home is "c:\tomcat" but when I look in "c\tomcat\webapps" I don't see any of my web applications (ie: context paths). I only see 4 folders: "docs, examples, host-manager, manager."
The reason I would like to know is because I recently changed a context path from "applicationName" to "/" and then noticed that tomcat's default favicon is missing. Now, I would like to reinsert tomcat's favicon into the document root but can't find it. (Obviously tomcat's favicon is not so important to me but I would like to be able to do it with mine when the time comes and also I would like to have a better understanding of the file structure).
Everything else works: I can deploy all my web applications and run them.
In order to view the document root you need to place the .war file of your web application in the c:/tomcat/webapps folder. Tomcat automatically "explodes" the WAR file.
As far as I can tell, placing the favicon in the document root does not display it globally but rather placing it in the c:/tomcat folder does.