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Eclipse 4.5.1 and SonarQube Issue Tracker View

actually I am trying to setup SonarQube for my PHP-Project.

In my Eclipse Installation I'm trying to use the "SonarQube Issue Editor" which is shown here:

But I can't find this view, where you can directly edit the issue.

Everything other works well, i see the Issues-Tab and also the Rule Description.

Also tried SonarLint but there is the same like in SonarQube-Plugin.

Has anyone else have this problem, or a solution for it?

Is there maybe an other solution to edit the issues in eclipse, which are created by SonarQube?

I don't find anything else in the forum or on Google.... I Just don't get it.. Please help me


  • Got an answer from SonarLint developer:

    SonarLint does not support associating a project with a particular SonarQube server, so there is no such editing possible at the moment. We plan to keep adding features to SonarLint so stay tuned!