I'd like to request some help in creating a Batch file to run on a windows server which will monitor processes which sometimes get "stuck" and linger after they should be killed.
Specifcally, I can see the "age" of a process in the Elapsed Time column of the PsList command http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896682.aspx
Name Pid Pri Thd Hnd Priv CPU Time Elapsed Time
FMSCore 4908 8 146 892 750720 0:01:46.221 4:02:15.907
FMSCore 4780 8 144 943 853060 0:00:42.510 4:02:15.348
FMSCore 3532 8 146 878 553784 0:01:30.262 2:04:56.969
FMSCore 5384 8 147 753 45484 0:00:03.198 0:05:11.267
FMSCore 9548 8 133 608 17408 0:00:00.592 0:00:34.298
The next step, is I only want to kill processes which are older than 4 hours. So I believe we will need to parse the results of my PsList command, extract the last column, parse for hours, and if we find that it's "old enough" we parse out it's PID and kill it.
If we were talking about bash or some other scripting language I think I could figure it out, but for a batch script, I don't know.
(note: I'd be willing to run an autoit script or something else, if needed)
So I actually figured this one out myself - had to use AutoIt and an extra filter to look at the command line arguments for each process, and then looking at each process's elapsed time, and then killing the old ones.
Here's the full post:
We’ve setup Connect to expire the FMSCore processes after 2 hours, but if someone is still connected to a recording, it will keep the old zombie FMSCore process until that person disconnects.
It often happens that doesn’t work – and there’s seemingly no garbage collection in place to clean up old FMSCore.
So we created a simple AutoIt script which can be compiled to an EXE which works, but it has some dependancies…
The following dependencies / commands must all be in place:
How it works
So we set this up on an hourly scheduled task and it handles garbage collection for us.