I'm using Windows 10 64bit, and already installed theano. I've downloaded OpenBLAS from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openblas/files/v0.2.15/OpenBLAS-v0.2.15-Win64-int32.zip/download and put libopenblas.dll in C:\openblas and other dll
file from minGW64_dll
as well
my .theanorc
floatX = float32
device = gpu
flags= -LC:\Anaconda2\libs
compiler_bindir= C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin
ldflags= -LC:\\openblas -lopenblas
when I try to run C:\Anaconda2\Lib\site-package\theano\misc\check_blas.py
I got something like this:
libraries = ['mkl_lapack95_lp64', 'mkl_blas95_lp64', 'mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'libiomp5md', 'libifportmd', 'mkl_lapack95_lp64', 'mkl_blas95_lp64', 'mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'libiomp5md', 'libifportmd']
library_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/lib/intel64']
define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None), ('HAVE_CBLAS', None)]
include_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/include']
libraries = ['mkl_lapack95_lp64', 'mkl_blas95_lp64', 'mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'libiomp5md', 'libifportmd']
library_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/lib/intel64']
define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None), ('HAVE_CBLAS', None)]
include_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/include']
libraries = ['mkl_lapack95_lp64', 'mkl_blas95_lp64', 'mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'libiomp5md', 'libifportmd', 'mkl_lapack95_lp64', 'mkl_blas95_lp64', 'mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'libiomp5md', 'libifportmd']
library_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/lib/intel64']
define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None), ('HAVE_CBLAS', None)]
include_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/include']
libraries = ['mkl_lapack95_lp64', 'mkl_blas95_lp64', 'mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'libiomp5md', 'libifportmd']
library_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/lib/intel64']
define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None), ('HAVE_CBLAS', None)]
include_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/include']
libraries = ['mkl_lapack95_lp64', 'mkl_blas95_lp64', 'mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'libiomp5md', 'libifportmd']
library_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/lib/intel64']
define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None), ('HAVE_CBLAS', None)]
include_dirs = ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/mkl/include']
I don't understand, but there is written:
Is it correct? or something is error?
I've try to print ldflags using command
print('blas.ldflags=', theano.config.blas.ldflags)
And I think I got the correct output
('blas.ldflags=', '-LC:\\openblas -lopenblas')
So, why when I test using check_blas.py my openblas status is not available?
I'm new in Theano so I hope anybody here can help me, Thank You
I don't think Theano uses OpenBLAS directly, I think it only uses it via numpy. So you need to configure numpy to use OpenBLAS. This does not appear to be an easy task on Windows.
Your numpy configuration is being printed by Theano's check_blas.py
script. That configuration appears to be all set up for using MKL. If you have MKL installed (and appropriately licensed) then you don't need OpenBLAS.
If you don't have MKL installed, despite the numpy config, an alternative to OpenBLAS is to use Anaconda's MKL extensions. This is a commercial product but a license is free to students and non-commercial researchers.