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projection property in subquery nhibernate criteria

Here's the deal, I got 2 tables:

table (A) with columns ( colA_1  | colA_2 | colA_ID ) <br>
table (B) with columns ( colB )

and I'm using DetachedCriteria.For<AnyEntity>() to query SQL.

The purpose is get an sql senerated like this:

Select A.colA_ID from A 
where (CAST(colA_1 AS VARCHAR(10)) + CAST(colA_2 AS VARCHAR(10))) 
in (select colB from B)

Thanks in advance for any help


  • I would strongly recommend to create a special property on your A entity:

    public class EntityA
        public virtual string ProjectedKey { get; set; } 

    And map it as readonly with formula

    <property name="ProjectedKey" 
              formula="(CAST(colA_1 AS VARCHAR(10)) + CAST(colA_2 AS VARCHAR(10)))" 
              insert="false" update="false" />

    And now is easy to use subquery

    // subquery to get colB (its id?) from table B
    var detachedQuery = DetachedCriteria.For<EntityB>()    
         .SetProjection(Projections.Id()) // or property representing col B
    // use subquery with property represented by formula
    var rootQuery = session.CreateCriteria<EntityA>()
         .Add(Subqueries.PropertyIn("ProjectedKey", detachedQuery));