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Best way to convert a 59.94fps video to 29.97?

I am tryiing to normalize the clips from multiple cameras for an amateur movie. Thinking that 29.97 fps is the best choice for my case but my camcorder only supports recording at 59.94fps or 24fps.

What is the best way to halve the framerate down to 29.97fps, perhaps skipping every other frame? I usually use ffmpeg for transcoding but I couldn't find much resource on changing the actual framerate.


  • Yes, dropping every other frame and re-encoding is what you need, ffmpeg -r ntsc should do the trick.

    This is a quick-and-dirty framerate conversion, if you wanted to lose as little information as possible you'd have to create motion blur from combined frames using some filter, probably not integrated in ffmpeg though. This would more accurately simulate the camera recording at a lower framerate.