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Pass dynamic value from html table row to javascript url.action

I want to pass the selected cell value from @Html.DisplayFor(model => item.year) to the Url.Action I have created in the javascript.

My controller has two parameters one is a static name and the other is year that is dynamically gotten from the row selected.

Codes for the table:

<table id="name" border=1 width="50%">
    @foreach (var item in Model)
                <button id="see">@Html.DisplayFor(model => item.year)</button>

Codes for javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var urls = {
       view: '@Html.Raw(@Url.Action("(actionName)", "(controller)", new { name = "Mary", year = (this is what idk)}))'

        $('#see').click(function () {
            $('#dialog').load(urls.view, function () {    

Controller method:

public ActionResult actionName(string name, string year)
    var query = new aquery();
    var response = query.Fetch(name, year);
    return View(response);

Calls a popup form which has

<form id="", action="@html.raw(@url.action(same thing here as my previous main page. what do i put for the year here now?))">


  • You have invalid html because of the duplicate id="see" attributes you adding to the buttons in the foreach loop. First change it to use a class name instead, and add the type="button" because the default is "submit"

    <button type="button" class="see">@Html.DisplayFor(model => item.year)</button>

    The the script should be

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var dialog = $('#dialog'); // cache elements you may repeatedly use
        var url = '@Url.Action("actionName")'; // add the controller name if its in a different controller
        $('.see').click(function () { // change selector to use the class name
          dialog.load(url, { name: 'Mary', year: $(this).text() });

    Side note: your method parameter should be int year, not string year and your method should return a PartialView(response), not View(response)