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Using a select statement in the bindValue(...) function - Qt & SQLite

Imagine I have the following SQLite table definition:

create table test (id integer primary key, info integer);

and the following entries:

id  | info
1   | 10
2   | 20
3   | 30

I want to use Qt's QSqlQuery class in order to prepare() a query and use the bindValue() function.

What I'm trying to achieve is something along the lines of

insert into test values (
    ( select id from test where ROWID = last_insert_rowid() )+100,

in order to get:

id  | info
1   | 10
2   | 20
3   | 30
103 | 666

While that works directly exec()ing the statement via a QSqlQuery qry object, this

//qry is set up correctly.
qry.prepare("insert into test values (?,?);");
qry.bindValue(0, "select id from test where ROWID = last_insert_rowid() )+100");

doesn't work (datatype mismatch).

1) How can I get this to work by using bindValue()?

2) What is the neatest way to achieve the same behavior withouth using last_insert_rowid()?

3) What would value would be returned by the code above for id if the table had no rows so far? Zero?


  • 1) You cannot bind a SQL expression to "?",that is a binding purpose. Just forget about first "?" and bind only one value:

    qry.prepare("insert into test values ( (select id from test where ROWID = last_insert_rowid() )+?,?);");

    2) If you have integer primary key column, sqlite last_insert_rowid() will return the value of that column, so you can simply write:

    qry.prepare("insert into test values (last_insert_rowid()+?,?);");

    Thinking of your intended behavior, this will not behave like auto increment, because someone can insert a value at index that cause collision for your next insert. More bulletproof approach is to increment the maximal value:

    qry.prepare("insert into test values ( (select id from test order by id desc limit 1)+?,?);");

    3) If the table are empty this select will return null, and null+100 is still null, and this will trigger the auto increment so 1 is inserted.