I have a simple c++ program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int addition (int a, int b)
int r;
return r;
int main ()
int z;
z = addition (5,3);
cout << "The result is " << z;
I want to generate the function tracing for this - print function names and its input output and return types
My systemtap script : para-callgraph.stp
#! /usr/bin/env stap
function trace(entry_p, extra) {
%( $# > 1 %? if (tid() in trace) %)
printf("%s%s%s %s\n",
thread_indent (entry_p),
probefunc (),
probe $1.call { trace(1, $$parms) }
probe $1.return { trace(-1, $$return) }
My C++ Exec is called : a ( compiled as g++ -g main.cpp)
Command I run
stap para-callgraph.stp 'process("a").function("*")' -c "./a > /dev/null"
0 a(15119):->_GLOBAL__I__Z8additionii
27 a(15119): ->__static_initialization_and_destruction_0 __initialize_p=0x0 __priority=0x0
168 a(15119): <-__static_initialization_and_destruction_0
174 a(15119):<-_GLOBAL__I__Z8additionii
0 a(15119):->main
18 a(15119): ->addition a=0x0 b=0x400895
30 a(15119): <-addition return=0x8
106 a(15119):<-main return=0x0
Here ->addition a=0x0 b=0x400895 : its address and not actual values ie 5, 3 which I want.
How to modify my stap script?
This appears to be a systemtap bug. It should print the value of b, not its address. Please report it to the systemtap@sourceware.org
mailing list (with compiler/etc. versions and other info, as outlined in man error::reporting
As to changing the script, the $$parms
part is where the local variables are being transformed into a pretty-printed string. It could be changed to something like...
trace(1, $$parms . (@defined($foobar) ? (" foobar=".$foobar$) : ""))
to append foobar=XYZ
to the trace record, whereever a parameter foobar
is available. To work around the systemtap bug in question, you could try
trace(1, $$parms . (@defined($b) ? (" *b=".user_int($b)) : ""))
to dereference the b
variable as if it were an int *