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Issue with Resizeable Columns in YUI2 DataTable Nested in YUI3 Tabview

I'm having an issue with resizing columns in a YUI2 DataTable when the table is nested inside a YUI3 Tabview.

My situation:

  • YUI3 Tabview has 4 tabs.
  • Each tab contains a DataTable that has sortable and resizable columns.
  • The columns in the DataTable of the first tab (the default tab that is displayed after loading the tab view) are sortable AND resizable and work as expected.
  • The columns in DataTables in the other three tabs are sortable BUT NOT resizeable.

I'm able to see in firebug that the DataTables in the other tabs have the same innerHTML structure, classes, etc in the elements.

I'm happy to post code samples but I thought I'd just start with this basic question to see if anyone has ideas or suggestions for how I can debug this issue.

Any ideas and suggestions are welcome.



  • I'm not able to reproduce your problem locally. Can you post a repro case?

    Here's what worked for me:
