Search code examples

Use of rank() function in BUGS

If I run the following code in OpenBUGS:

for (i in 1:50) {
variable[i] ~ dunif(50, 100)
item <- rank(variable[], 1)

I expect item to be 0, as there are no components of variable that can be below 1. This is based on the definition of the function rank from the OpenBUGS user manual:

"rank(v, s): number of components of v less than or equal to s"

However, the posterior for item is actually:

        mean    sd      MC_error    val2.5pc    median  val97.5pc   start   sample
item    25.4    14.39   0.4072      1.0         25.0    49.0        1       1000

Meaning that around 25 components of variable are less than or equal to 1, when clearly none of the components of variable can be less than 1--confirmed by the posterior distribution of variable values:

                mean    sd          MC_error    val2.5pc    median  val97.5pc   start   sample
variable[1]     74.27   14.06       0.4417      51.51       73.73   98.96       1001    1000
variable[2]     74.32   14.29       0.5154      51.43       74.02   98.52       1001    1000
variable[3]     75.1    14.53       0.5623      51.34       75.2    99.07       1001    1000
variable[4]     75.78   14.41       0.3846      51.22       76.44   98.77       1001    1000
variable[5]     74.97   14.93       0.5557      51.24       74.8    99.18       1001    1000
variable[6]     75.13   14.61       0.4657      51.1        75.17   99.05       1001    1000
variable[7]     74.65   14.39       0.4296      51.58       74.44   98.57       1001    1000
variable[8]     75.01   14.28       0.4517      51.23       75.05   98.72       1001    1000
variable[9]     75.2    14.04       0.4309      52.09       74.83   98.7        1001    1000
variable[10]    75.3    14.47       0.4811      51.31       75.55   98.96       1001    1000
variable[11]    74.85   14.39       0.5504      51.55       74.65   98.7        1001    1000
variable[12]    74.85   14.42       0.4884      51.56       74.57   98.34       1001    1000
variable[13]    75.54   14.91       0.4995      50.95       76.14   98.97       1001    1000
variable[14]    75.43   14.46       0.4723      51.56       75.39   98.83       1001    1000
variable[15]    74.97   14.39       0.4658      51.14       75.58   98.74       1001    1000
variable[16]    75.39   14.46       0.5693      51.44       76.24   98.53       1001    1000
variable[17]    74.41   14.67       0.4356      51.03       73.34   98.78       1001    1000
variable[18]    75.09   14.22       0.3771      51.49       74.99   98.81       1001    1000
variable[19]    75.7    14.31       0.394       51.46       76.02   98.55       1001    1000
variable[20]    74.8    14.23       0.5463      51.64       75.12   98.86       1001    1000
variable[21]    74.83   14.56       0.4997      51.2        74.74   98.65       1001    1000
variable[22]    75.58   14.38       0.4412      51.38       76.6    98.3        1001    1000
variable[23]    74.64   14.42       0.4406      51.34       74.05   98.37       1001    1000
variable[24]    74.85   14.09       0.5247      51.6        74.72   98.96       1001    1000
variable[25]    75.48   14.39       0.4642      51.14       76.12   98.69       1001    1000
variable[26]    75.26   14.57       0.5391      51.18       75.07   98.92       1001    1000
variable[27]    74.49   14.5        0.4723      51.39       74.51   98.78       1001    1000
variable[28]    75.37   14.47       0.3562      51.09       75.5    98.64       1001    1000
variable[29]    74.64   14.37       0.4637      51.25       74.57   98.64       1001    1000
variable[30]    74.66   14.88       0.5224      51.1        74.73   98.83       1001    1000
variable[31]    75.48   14.31       0.4403      51.84       75.83   99.08       1001    1000
variable[32]    74.74   14.43       0.5379      51.1        74.07   99.13       1001    1000
variable[33]    74.67   14.33       0.4465      50.98       74.11   98.72       1001    1000
variable[34]    74.43   14.64       0.5293      51.05       73.72   99.05       1001    1000
variable[35]    74.51   14.44       0.4683      51.39       73.99   98.6        1001    1000
variable[36]    75.44   14.42       0.438       51.59       75.71   99.08       1001    1000
variable[37]    74.8    14.27       0.495       51.21       75.03   98.87       1001    1000
variable[38]    74.97   14.24       0.4463      52.05       75.64   98.73       1001    1000
variable[39]    74.82   14.67       0.5232      51.32       74.92   98.96       1001    1000
variable[40]    74.81   14.37       0.4862      51.3        74.58   98.79       1001    1000
variable[41]    74.77   14.51       0.3887      51.18       74.74   98.47       1001    1000
variable[42]    74.72   14.62       0.4296      51.35       74.37   98.66       1001    1000
variable[43]    75.18   14.12       0.4195      51.43       75.35   97.86       1001    1000
variable[44]    75.88   13.7        0.4136      51.86       76.14   99.0        1001    1000
variable[45]    74.6    14.2        0.3913      51.14       73.98   98.52       1001    1000
variable[46]    75.84   14.34       0.434       51.62       75.66   98.92       1001    1000
variable[47]    75.1    14.87       0.4791      51.13       75.11   99.07       1001    1000
variable[48]    75.06   14.14       0.4707      51.14       74.68   98.78       1001    1000
variable[49]    74.75   14.6        0.4521      51.3        74.4    98.93       1001    1000
variable[50]    75.2    14.36       0.4878      51.3        75.33   98.51       1001    1000

What is going on here?


  • From Andrew Millard, via the [BUGS] listserv:

    The OpenBugs manual gives the definition as

    rank(v, s) number of components of v less than or equal to s

    which is what I had based my code on, but the manual is wrong and it should be

    rank(v, s) number of components of v less than or equal to the s-th component of v