My Gulp setup is otherwise working fantastically, but it stops if there's an error with my JS files. Until Gulp 4 is finally released, we're all stuck using the less than perfect error system in Gulp... So how can I catch Uglify's errors?
gulp.task('js', function() {
return gulp
According to the Uglify documentation, gulp-uglify
emits an 'error' event if it is unable to minify a specific file. Wherever possible, the PluginError
object will contain the following properties: fileName
, lineNumber
, message
The closest I've gotten it to working is: .on('error', function(uglify) { console.error(uglify.message) }))
, but it ends up with the above Gulp task ceasing to do any more.
Edit: I realise that there's a number of Gulp extensions that help when dealing with error handling (eg. Gulp-Util, Stream-Combiner2, Gulp-Plumber, etc.) but I don't wish to install a whole new extension just for Uglify (I'm handling my Sass errors just fine without one).
It seems the solution was very simple:
.pipe(uglify(uglifyOptions).on('error', function(uglify) {
Almost exactly what Jeffwa suggested, but no need for gulp-plumber
. The reason my attempt was stopping is because Gulp watch
tasks wait until they receive end