I need to find view by name (or recreate it), request file and download it. Via GUI, I can do it all right:
Sadly, I don't know how to get it by API. Looks for me that I need keyword report, because Keyword column is most important for me, as it allows me to connect entries to Facebook report.
Now, this views are not DFA reports, because dfareporting.reports.list
"kind": "dfareporting#reportList",
"etag": "\" some etag I won't share \"",
"nextPageToken": "",
"items": [
Empty list. So if there are reports, they are not shared with me. Yes, app is using my profile ID, the same one I use to view stings in GUI.
So, I may try to create report with data I need using dfareporting.reports.insert
, but then for both "type":"keyword"
and "type":"keywords"
I get:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalid",
"message": "Invalid value for: keywords is not a valid value"
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid value for: keywords is not a valid value"
I could try methods from dfareporting.ads
set, but keywords are set on ad groups / ad sets (sadly, it was communicated to me in my native tongue, not in English), not on ads directly, so this is no help for me.
How can I get this data via code? What am I missing? It seems to be something big and obvious.
Check this report for seller:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/adexchangeseller/v2.0/accounts/accountId/reports
Path parameters
Required query parameters
Optional query parameters