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Tensor Flow installation on RHEL 7

I am new to Tensor Flow and trying to install it on my RHEL 7 machine using the below command. I cannot connect the machine directly to internet due to some restrictions so using a whl file downloaded from Tensor flow site.

pip install tensorflow-0.5.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl

But getting error as below :

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement six>=1.10.0 (from tensorflow==0.5.0) (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for six>=1.10.0 (from tensorflow==0.5.0)

I am using pip installed on my machine through anaconda and have python 2.7 installed on the machine as well

Can you please help me to decode the error?


  • I had the same issue. Your six package needs to be updated. Try:

    easy_install --upgrade six

    Note: I am doing this from within a virtual environment and I do have internet.