I am trying to get some properties imported in JVM by changing "Server" file from the bin folder of WS. The guide I am following is made for Windows and it says to do so:
if not defined WLP_SKIP_MAXPERMSIZE (
set JVM_OPTIONS=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Durl.soap.configuration="C:\WAS8551\wlp\usr\servers\server1\properties\wsserver.properties"
) else (
set JVM_OPTIONS= -Durl.soap.configuration="C:\WAS8551\wlp\usr\servers\server1\properties\wsserver.properties"
In Ubuntu I changed my "Server" from
if [ -z "${WLP_SKIP_MAXPERMSIZE}" ]; then
if [ -z "${WLP_SKIP_MAXPERMSIZE}" ]; then
but if i try to run ./server run server1 I obtain this
./server: 2: eval: -Durl.soap.configuration=/home/danilo/Links/CSE/wlp/usr/servers/server1/properties/wsserver.properties: not found
The path is correct, cause if I run gedit on that path it opens the file. What shoult the problem be?
Changing the server script for Liberty is not supported. If you merely want to set new jvm options then you should use the jvm.options file, add: -Durl.soap.configuration=/home/danilo/Links/CSE/wlp/usr/servers/server1/properties/wsserver.properties this will have hard coded paths though.
The KC documents things that can change between releases. In general anything outside of usr or etc are changed by fixpacks or iFixes.