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Variable function calling in Python

Let Instrument be a class with three functions piano(self), guitar(self) and trumpet(self). The class has also a play(self) function, which will call the proper method, according to the instrument that is represented in the class.

Is there a way, with only one class Instrument (i.e., no other abstract class), to define the method that should be invoked when calling the play method?

In other words, is there a way to do the following:

my_piano = Instrument(piano) # calls piano(self) method

my_guitar = Instrument(guitar) # calls guitar(self) method

my_trumpet = Instrument(trumpet) # calls trumpet(self) method

A rather simple way of doing it, but not very code clean, is to put a variable in the constructor, and then put a lot of conditions in the play method, like this:

def Instrument(object):
    def __init__(self, instrument_type):
        self.instrument_type = instrument_type

    def play(self):
        if instrument_type == 0:
        elif instrument_type == 1:
        elif instrument_type == 2:

The proper way of doing it would be to have an Instrumentclass and then three Piano, Guitar and Trumpet classes which inherit from Instrument. But for the need I have, that would be complicate things for not much.


As requested, I explain my actual problem, which is almost identical. I have a class ComputeSth that can use five different methods to compute that something. It can compute it in ways a(self), b(self), ..., f(self). For exampple, sometimes I want to compute according to a, some other times according to c. That is easy if I just do:

my_computer = ComputeSth()

But then I noticed that in order to easily use this class in other parts of my code, I would prefer to do my_computer.compute(). So, I thought it would be convenient to construct the instance with the actual method to compute when calling compute(self). I didn't want to write five other classes, since they really wouldn't represent five different objects, but rather five ways of doing the same. I can't pass the function a,...,f as an input of the constructor because the require the self.
In other words, same as the example with Instrument, but with less "real world inheritance".


  • This is what polymorphism is for

    class Instrument:
      def play(self):
    class Guitar(Instrument):
      def play(self):
        print 'brau dau'
    class Drum(Instrument):
      def play(self):
        print 'dum dum'
    guitar = Guitar()
    drum = Drum()