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Push notifications from iOS to Android not working

I'm trying to setup push notifications for our app that uses quickblox. I've uploaded the correct iOS certificates and Google Keys,

I can:

Send from iOS to iOS

Send from Android to Android

Send from Android to iOS

But when i try to send from iOS to android i get an error for the SDK:

"No recipients. At least one user should be subscribed for APNS (Apple Push) (through SDK or REST API)"]

Which is weird because i'm trying to send message to GCM device, and the error says there's no APNS device.

How can i solve this issue? what can be interrupting pushed from iOS to Android?

This is how i'm sending the push

QBMPushMessage *pushMessage = [QBMPushMessage new];
pushMessage.alertBody = pushText;

NSMutableDictionary *additionalParams = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[additionalParams setObject:@1 forKey:@"isFromChat"];
    [additionalParams setObject:dialogId forKey:@"dialogId"];

[additionalParams setObject:messageText forKey:@"messageText"];

pushMessage.additionalInfo = additionalParams;

[QBRequest sendPush:pushMessage toUsers:recipientID successBlock:^(QBResponse *response, QBMEvent *event) {

    NSLog(@"Push was sent successfully to: %@", recipientID);

} errorBlock:^(QBError *error) {
    NSLog(@"Push Error: %@", error);


  • Apparently, we accidentally used a specific method that only send push notifications from iOS to iOS.

    After we use a generic QBEvent it was fixed