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Vector containing GADT

I'm just learning everything I can about ExistentialQuantification and GADTs and KindSignatures, etc. And to do that I try to come up with some small programs which help me to understand everything better.

Now I have this small snippet (which actually compiles, so you can try it on your own, requires vector and mtl packages) and would like to know whether it is at all possible to do what I am trying to accomplish or guide me to how to make it work

{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import qualified Data.Vector as V

data MenuItem = ListS | ActionS | SliderS

data MenuItemReference (a :: MenuItem) (n :: *) where
       MenuListSReference :: Int -> MenuItemReference ListS Int
       MenuActionSReference :: Int -> MenuItemReference ActionS Int
       MenuSliderSReference :: Int -> MenuItemReference SliderS Int

data MyState = MyState { vec :: forall a. V.Vector (MenuItemReference a Int) }

newMyState :: MyState
newMyState = MyState { vec = V.empty }

listRef :: MenuItemReference ListS Int
listRef = MenuListSReference 5

actionRef :: MenuItemReference ActionS Int
actionRef = MenuActionSReference 3

myComputation :: State MyState ()
myComputation = do
    addItem listRef
    addItem actionRef
    return ()

addItem :: forall a. MenuItemReference a Int -> State MyState ()
addItem menuItemRef = do
    s <- get
    put (s { vec = (vec s) `V.snoc` menuItemRef })

main :: IO ()
main = do
    print $ evalState myComputation newMyState

As you can see I'm trying to get a Vector of MenuItemReferences in it... What is it that I'm doing wrong because with what I have at the moment I get the error:

Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘a1’
  ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
      the type signature for
        addItem :: MenuItemReference a Int -> State MyState ()
      at Main.hs:34:19
  ‘a1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
       a type expected by the context: V.Vector (MenuItemReference a1 Int)
       at Main.hs:37:10
Expected type: MenuItemReference a1 Int
  Actual type: MenuItemReference a Int
Relevant bindings include
  menuItemRef :: MenuItemReference a Int (bound at Main.hs:35:9)
  addItem :: MenuItemReference a Int -> State MyState ()
    (bound at Main.hs:35:1)
In the second argument of ‘V.snoc’, namely ‘menuItemRef’
In the ‘vec’ field of a record

Could someone explain what is the reason behind the error and how I could approach (if at all possible) the thing I am trying to accomplish.


  • Why not just

    data MenuItemReference = 
        MenuListSReference Int | 
        MenuActionSReference Int | 
        MenuSliderSReference Int


    The constructor used already annotates the value. You don't need to inject the phantom type, because the information is already there.

    Besides, doing so would require enabling GHC ({-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}) to actually support impredicative polymorphism to construct Vector [forall a. MenuItemReference a Int] and use it polymorphically. While it does support that, the support has been described as "fragile at best and broken at worst".

    As a side note this nice blog post explains how we can get rid of impredicative types, using newtypes and RankNTypes instead. This does require you to introduce a layer of newtype, however.