Search code examples

When the listitems are scrolled fast, setOnScrollListener is not working

I tried to implement the sticky header listview described in the tutorial from

The problem is when I scroll the list very fast, the header doesnot move to the top of screen as desired.

I tried logging the value of topY and heroTopY in the following method.

        public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {

            /* Check if the first item is already reached to top.*/
            if (view.getFirstVisiblePosition() == 0) {
                View firstChild = listView.getChildAt(0);
                topY = 0;
                if (firstChild != null) {
                    topY = firstChild.getTop();
                    Log.d("topY", "" + topY);

                heroTopY = stickyViewSpacer.getTop();
                Log.e("heroTopY", "" + heroTopY);
                Log.d("topY,heroTopY", topY + "," + heroTopY);
                stickyView.setY(Math.max(0, heroTopY + topY));

                // Set the image to scroll half of the amount that of ListView
                heroImageView.setY(topY * 0.5f);

The log output is:

09-01 17:35:23.692  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview D/topY﹕ 0
09-01 17:35:23.692  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview E/heroTopY﹕ 500
09-01 17:35:23.692  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview D/topY,heroTopY﹕ 0,500
09-01 17:35:23.856  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview D/topY﹕ -29
09-01 17:35:23.856  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview E/heroTopY﹕ 500
09-01 17:35:23.856  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview D/topY,heroTopY﹕ -29,500
09-01 17:35:23.873  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview D/topY﹕ -72
09-01 17:35:23.873  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview E/heroTopY﹕ 500
09-01 17:35:23.873  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview D/topY,heroTopY﹕ -72,500
09-01 17:35:23.892  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview D/topY﹕ -84
09-01 17:35:23.892  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview E/heroTopY﹕ 500
09-01 17:35:23.892  19530-19530/com.javatechig.parallaxlistview D/topY,heroTopY﹕ -84,500

As seen from the log output the topY value get stucked at 84 and so the header. enter image description here How to solve this??Any solution would be helpful!!!


  • add these lines

    if (view.getFirstVisiblePosition() == 0) {

    It is because when 1st item gets out of view you dont get inside if statement means topY is not updated so you have to set your stickyView.setY() to 0 on else statement.