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Is there a way to get an errorlevel from FileProtocolHandler or url.dll?

In one of my programs I am using rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler c:\path\to\a.file to open files. I would like to handle errors in case this file could not be opened but I can't figure out how to find out if there was an error or not. That's my code:

QProcess::startDetached( QString( "rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + p_target_path ) );

startDetached() now always returns true, because it's always succesfull in opening a process containing rundll32.exe. So how do I know if my file could be found/opened or not?

I tried errorlevel-things in a *.bat file for testing.

rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler c:\not_existing.exe >nul || echo Could not open file.

But there is nothing being echoed. I also tried to read the %ERRORLEVEL%, but even if the file is not existing the errorlevel remains 0.

Does anyone know a way to find out how to deal with this?


  • It seems to me that rundll32.exe is really not return an erorlevel. It you look at you can see, that Rundll32 Interface has no defined way to return error.

    VOID CALLBACK FileProtocolHandler (
      __in  HWND hwnd,
      __in  HINSTANCE ModuleHandle,
      __in  PCTSTR pszCmdLineBuffer,
      __in  INT nCmdShow

    By the way you can call the function FileProtocolHandler exported by url.dll directly without starting rundll32.exe. As pszCmdLineBuffer you can give p_target_path. Nevertheless you will receive no error information.

    UPDATED: By the way if you use rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler to open files only and not URLs than you can use ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx instead with the verb "open" or NULL (see In the simplest case the code could looks like following

    HINSTANCE hInst = ShellExecute (NULL, TEXT("open"), TEXT("c:\path\to\a.file"), NULL, NULL, 0);

    You can test hInst for the errors (see Return Value in