I have a "public safe" that may fail with a (potentially informative) errors:
data EnigmaError = BadRotors
| BadWindows
| MiscError String
instance Show EnigmaError where
show BadRotors = "Bad rotors"
show BadWindows = "Bad windows"
show (MiscError str) = str
configEnigma :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Except EnigmaError EnigmaConfig
configEnigma rots winds plug rngs = do
unless (and $ [(>=1),(<=26)] <*> rngs') (throwError BadRotors)
unless (and $ (`elem` letters) <$> winds') (throwError BadWindows)
-- ...
return EnigmaConfig {
components = components',
positions = zipWith (\w r -> (mod (numA0 w - r + 1) 26) + 1) winds' rngs',
rings = rngs'
rngs' = reverse $ (read <$> (splitOn "." $ "01." ++ rngs ++ ".01") :: [Int])
winds' = "A" ++ reverse winds ++ "A"
components' = reverse $ splitOn "-" $ rots ++ "-" ++ plug
but it is unclear how I should call this, particularly (and specifically) in implementing Read
and Arbitrary
(for QuickCheck).
For the former, I can get as far as
instance Read EnigmaConfig where
readsPrec _ i = case runExcept (configEnigma c w s r) of
Right cfg -> [(cfg, "")]
Left err -> undefined
where [c, w, s, r] = words i
but this seems to end up hiding error information available in err
; while for the latter, I'm stuck at
instance Arbitrary EnigmaConfig where
arbitrary = do
nc <- choose (3,4) -- This could cover a wider range
ws <- replicateM nc capitals
cs <- replicateM nc (elements rotors)
uk <- elements reflectors
rs <- replicateM nc (choose (1,26))
return $ configEnigma (intercalate "-" (uk:cs))
"UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" -- TBD - Generate plugboard and test <<<
(intercalate "." $ (printf "%02d") <$> (rs :: [Int]))
which fails with a mismatch between the expected and actual types:
Expected type: Gen EnigmaConfig Actual type: Gen (transformers- Crypto.Enigma.EnigmaError EnigmaConfig)
How do I call a ("public safe") constructor when it may fail, particularly when using it in implementing Read
and Arbitrary
for my class?
The Read
typeclass represents parses as lists of successes (with failures being the same as no successes); so rather than undefined
you should return []
. As for losing information about what went wrong: that's true, and the type of readsPrec
means you can't do much about that. If you really, really wanted to [note: I don't think you should want this] you could define a newtype wrapper around Except EnigmaError EnigmaConfig
and give that a Read
instance that had successful parses of configuration errors.
For Arbitrary
you have a couple choices. One choice is so-called rejection sampling; e.g.
arbitrary = do
-- ...
case configEnigma ... of
Left err -> arbitrary -- try again
Right v -> return v
You might also consider an Arbitrary
instance to be part of your internal API, and use unsafe, internal calls rather than using the safe, public API for constructing your configuration. Other options include calling error
or fail
. (I consider these four options to be in roughly preference order -- rejection sampling, then unsafe internal calls, then error
, then fail
-- though your judgement may differ.)