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i3bar covers Photoshop menu

I run the i3wm with the i3bar.I installed Photoshop CS6 through Wine.

I have found a few quirks:

  • the i3bar is overlapping the Photoshop's Menu bar (File, etc): i3wm and Photoshop
  • resizing the Photoshop window (i.e. by placing it into floating mode or opening another application side by side) does not re-scale photoshop, instead the app just covers half of the Photoshop window.

I assume these issues are related; yet the first one is more important. What would fix this issue?


  • The solution is to dissalow the window manager to decorate the window.

    This can be done by running winecfg, go to the Graphics tab and uncheck Allow the window manager to decorate the windows.

    This resolves both issue I noted in the question: the i3bar covering the menu, and the resizing quirks when Photoshop does not fill the entire screen.