So I'm making a game in VB for learning purposes and now I'm struggling with this problem:
I'm trying to do a For loop that draws the level map. However, I just can't seem to figure out it. This is an example of what I'm trying to do:
For index as integer = 1 to 192
PictureBox(index).Image = bg(map(x,y)) 'this is causing me problems
if x=16 then
End If
But since PictureBox(index).Image doesn't seem to be the correct answer, it simply throws me an error.
Is there any way to do this?
Shortly, I need to set PictureBox.Image's from 1 to 192 like this without having 192 lines of code:
PictureBox1.Image = bg(map(0,0))
PictureBox2.Image = bg(map(1,0))
PictureBox3.Image = bg(map(2,0))
PictureBox4.Image = bg(map(3,0))
Instead I wan't to set them in a For loop. I don't want to have extra lines of code.
The PictureBoxes are added in the editor.
In the designer set the property Tag
of each PictureBox
to the string value composed by the x
and y
required to pass to the map
For example:
and so on until you have mapped all your pictureboxes with the correct values.
Then your code could be changed to
' Assuming the PictureBox are all childs of the Form
For Each pic in Me.Controls.OfType(Of PictureBox)()
Dim tag = pic.Tag
' You could omit this check if you have only the pictureboxes
' set with a valid Tag property
if Not string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag) Then
Dim xyCoords = tag.ToString().Split(","c)
pic.Image = bg(map(Convert.ToInt32(xyCoords(0),
End if