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Solve Constrained Quadratic Programming with R

I really love R but from time to time it really gives me a headache...

I have the following simple quadratic minimization problem which can be formulated and solved within no time in Excel (click on picture to enlarge):

enter image description here


![enter image description here

The problem itself is pretty straightforward: I want to minimize (w1^2+w2^2)/2 by finding the best combination of w1,w2 and b under the constraints that for all Y*(w1*X1+w2*X2+b) >= 1

I know that there is the quadprog package for solving these kinds of problems but I find it so unintuitive that I am not able to specify the problem correctly :-( I hate to say it but Excel seems to be better suited for specifying optimization problems like these :-(((

My question
How to formulate the above problem correctly so that it can be solved with R (no matter which package) and the program arrives at the correct values for w1, w2 and b (as can be seen in the picture above). Please don't just post links but please give actual code that works. It would be great if you could comment your code so it becomes clear why you do the things you do. Thank you!

The necessary data is here:

data <- matrix(c(2.947814,6.626878, 1,
                 2.530388,7.785050, 1,
                 3.566991,5.651046, 1,
                 3.156983,5.467077, 1,
colnames(data) <- c("X1","X2","y")

Some people took offense at my request to provide code (and not simply links). I apologized for that and gave my reasons that I did not find any good approaches in the answers so far on SO. The deeper reason for that is that the problem is unusual in the sense that b is only in the constraint and not in the objective function. So I still think that this question is a good fit for SO.


  • Actually, the problem is a little tricky because b is only present in the inequality constraint matrix but not in the objective function. Therefore the matrix in the quadratic programming problem is only positive semidefinite but not positive definite.

    My approach is therefore to set the matrix entry corresponding to b to a very small value - in my case 1e-9. Someone else more familiar with such optimization problems might know how to solve the problem properly...

    Calculate solve.QP input

    #I use 1e-9 for the b entry

    Solve with solve.QP

    #[1]   2.903910   1.201258 -14.734964

    Same as excel.