Is there a channel
primitive in Dart as there is in Go for example? The closest I found is StreamIterator.
The use case would be to allow a consumer to asynchronously process values one by one. Additionally, if there is no value, it should just wait.
You can do this with streams
import 'dart:async' show Stream, StreamController;
main() {
StreamController<int> sc = new StreamController<int>(); => print(e));
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Try it in DartPad
See also
You can't "just wait" in Dart, especially in the browser.
There are also async*
generator functions available in Dart to create streams. See for example Async/Await feature in Dart 1.8
A "naive" translation form await for(var event in someStream)
import 'dart:async';
main() {
StreamController<int> sc = new StreamController<int>();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Future startProcessing(Stream stream) async {
StreamSubscription subscr;
subscr = stream.listen((value) {
new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 500)).then((_) {
print('Processed $value');
//await for(int value in stream) {
// await new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 500)).then((_) {
// print('Processed $value');
// });
The actual implementation takes a different approach
The way the await-for loop is implemented uses a one-event buffer (to avoid repeatedly pausing and resuming).