Does Intel Fortran Compiler support the Fortran 2003 feature, 'deferred-length character'? If so, has it already been supported by the compiler version 14.0.3? (*)
This page, Fortran 2003 Features, Intel Developer Zone, says that
"Fortran 2003 is fully supported, including the following features:"
but the subsequent list includes
- Allocatable scalar variables (not deferred-length character)
This does not seem to clarify whether 'deferred-length character' is a supported feature. Furthermore, the page seems to refer to the latest version, 16.
I got a hint that it is supported as following. I tried compiling the code which seems to use deferred-length character in the answer by IanH to the question,
Using a deferred-length character string to read user input,
by ifort
of that version and it ran successfully.
Nevertheless, I wish to know where I can find some official documentation by Intel about the status of implementation of the Fortran standards at each version of the compiler. I thought such a document may be included in the document directory of the product, but I could not find one.
(*) Edited 2015-11-15
The first paragraph of the question originally read as following: "Does Intel Fortran Compiler support all the Fortran 2003 features? If so, since when? More specifically, if I would like to know if the compiler version 14.0.3 supports the 'deferred-length character'." I rewrote it according to the comment by francescalus.
Deferred length character has been supported for some years now by Intel Fortran, several versions before 14.0.3.
In the documentation for 13.1, which is the oldest version I have installed, the deferred length character feature is documented on the "Declarations for character types" page.