I'm writing a ncurses GUI for an app. I have following code in a file admin.py
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import curses.textpad
from gui_helpers import *
import global_vars as g
def parse_command(win, command):
# print_str(win, 0, 0, command)
if command == "help":
print_str(win, 1, 1, "Available commands: add - adds a board, list - lists boards, mkdir - makes board directory")
def display_admin_screen(win, keypress):
rows = win.getmaxyx()[0]
cols = win.getmaxyx()[1]
print_str_center(win, 0, 1, "Admin interface", g.RED|g.BOLD)
print_str(win, 1, 0, "Command line")
textpad_win = win.subwin(1, cols - 1, 3, 1)
output_win = win.subwin(5, cols - 1, 5, 1)
textpad = curses.textpad.Textbox(textpad_win)
textpad.stripspaces = 0
command = textpad.gather()
parse_command(output_win, command)
# print_str(output_win, 0, 0, command)
The code itself (the function display_admin_screen()
) runs in a loop in file gui.py
which has all the necessary library imports:
while True:
keypress = stdscr.getch()
if g.STATE == 'motd':
display_motd(working_win, keypress)
elif g.STATE == 'boards':
boards_view.display_threads(working_win, g.SELECTED_BOARD, keypress)
elif g.STATE == 'admin':
admin.display_admin_screen(working_win, keypress)
The problem I'm having is that when I type 'help' in the textbox in admin.py
, nothing happens. It should display help text in output_win
. I've checked that the value gets passed to function parse_command()
properly, and that it is a proper value. I thought it may be the problem with creating subwindows inside a loop, so I tried creating them in gui.py
outside of the loop and passing them to the function, but to no avail. If I just tell the parse_command()
function to write something to the output window it does that no problem. For some reason the if
block seems to be a problem.
I finally found out what was wrong. After pressing Enter, there was a bunch of whitespace (not newline \n
) appended to the command. All I had to do was change:
command = textpad.gather()
command = textpad.gather().strip()
And it works now.