I am using ng-file-upload and multer to store files in an uploads folder and I also save the filename to database but of course not at the same instant. So if I want to save the original filename, multer will do this like:
filename: function (req, file, cb) {
cb(null, file.originalname);
I can use
cb(null, file.originalname + '-' + Date.now());
to make the name unique but then the filename in the database (taken from the ng-file-upload service) is different. I want to use Upload.rename(file, newName) as on the github/danialfarid/ng-file-upload page but all my attempts to use it have failed. This is the ng-file-upload code (first part)
$scope.uploadPic = function(files) {
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.files.length; i++) {
var $file = $scope.files[i];
(function(index) {
$scope.upload[index] = Upload.upload({
url: '/',
method: 'POST',
file: $file,
}).progress(function (evt) {
$scope.files[index].progress = Math.min(100, parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded / evt.total));
}).then(function (response) {
$timeout(function () {
$file.result = response.data;
I have tried var newName = $file.name + '-' + Date.now()
but then I am unsure of how to apply Upload.rename(file, newName)
I thought if I set the new name before multer gets hold of it then the uploads folder and the database will have the same name. At least that's the idea. Can anyone help?
I was using an older version of ng-file-upload (7.X.X) which didn't have this in ng-file-upload.js
this.rename = function (file, name) {
file.ngfName = name;
return file;
I updated to version 10.0.2
So now I can use Upload.rename($file, 'preview1.jpg');
and the file is saved with the new name.