I have a set of triangles, and I want to find the closest triangle to an arbitrary point in space.
A brute force approach is too slow for my liking, so I'm looking into various data structures which could help accelerate the search.
My problem is that the structures I've looked into (rtree, kdtree) use bounding boxes to narrow the search, but there are many cases where nearest bounding boxes do not necessarily correspond to nearest triangles.
Here is one such case:
Notice how the blue point is closest to the large bounding box, but closer to the small green triangle. This makes me feel that data structures relying on bounding boxes would result in incorrect search results...unless I'm missing something obvious?
Overall, I'm looking for a lightweight-ish c++ solution (so no CGAL or other beastly packages), or just a point towards the right kind of algorithm I should be looking into.
You can use the bounding boxes approach to narrow down the search. All you have to do extra is the following: