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Swift: Convert enum value to String?

Given the following enum:

enum Audience {
    case Public
    case Friends
    case Private

How do I get the string "Public" from the audience constant below?

let audience = Audience.Public


  • Not sure in which Swift version this feature was added, but right now (Swift 2.1) you only need this code:

    enum Audience: String {
        case public
        case friends
        case private
    let audience = Audience.public.rawValue // "public"

    You can also assign custom strings to each case:

    enum Audience: String {
        case public = "The Public"
        case friends = "My Friends"
        case private = "Private Audience"
    let audience = Audience.public.rawValue // "The Public"

    When strings are used for raw values, the implicit value for each case is the text of that case’s name.


    enum CompassPoint: String {
        case north, south, east, west

    In the example above, CompassPoint.south has an implicit raw value of "south", and so on.

    You access the raw value of an enumeration case with its rawValue property:

    let sunsetDirection = CompassPoint.west.rawValue
    // sunsetDirection is "west"
