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Need help adding "days" to this jquery countdown timer

I currently have a countdown timer that shows hours, mins, seconds. But now I would like to add "days" to it. Can you please show me how you would do that?

Here's the code. I left out the php db query as it's not important.

function Timer(container, timeLeft) {
  // get hour, minute and second element using jQuery selector
  var hoursContainer = $(container).find('.hour');
  var minsContainer  = $(container).find('.min');
  var secsContainer  = $(container).find('.sec');
  // hold time left
  var currentTimeLeft = timeLeft;
  // 1 second = 1000 ms
  var secondsForTimer = 1000;  
  // hold ID value return by setInterval()
  var timerInterval;
  // call setInteval() only when timeLeft is greater than 0
  if (currentTimeLeft == 0) {
  } else {
	  //Call setInterval()function and store ID value to timerInterval. 
	  timerInterval = setInterval(countdown, secondsForTimer);
  //function being passed to setInterval()
  function countdown() {
    currentTimeLeft = parseInt(currentTimeLeft - secondsForTimer);    
    if (currentTimeLeft == 0) {
       //stop calling countdown function by calling clearInterval()
    } else {    	
       //calculate hours left
       var wholeSeconds = parseInt(currentTimeLeft / 1000,10);
       var wholeMinutes = parseInt(currentTimeLeft / 60000,10);
       var wholeHours   = parseInt(wholeMinutes / 60,10);
       //calculate minutes left
       var minutes = parseInt(wholeMinutes % 60,10);
       //calculate seconds left
       var seconds = parseInt(wholeSeconds % 60,10);
       //prefix 0 to hour, min and second counter
       $(hoursContainer).text((wholeHours < 10 ? "0" : "") + wholeHours + (wholeHours <=0 ? " hr" : " hrs"));
       $(minsContainer).text((minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes  + (minutes <=0 ? " min" : " mins"));
       $(secsContainer).text((seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds  + (seconds <=0 ? " sec" : " secs"));

// db query here to get the expiry time from the database
foreach($results as $k => $row) {

  $expiry_date	  	=	$row['expiry_date'];

  $timeLeft = (strtotime($expiry_date) - time()) * 1000; 
  $counterName = "counter_$k";

  <div class="counter <?php echo $counterName; ?>">	
    <span class="hour">00</span>
    <span class="min">00</span>
    <span class="sec">00</span>


    // initiate new timer
    var timer = new Timer($('.<?php echo $counterName; ?>'), <?php echo $timeLeft; ?>);





  • Try this

    function Timer(container, timeLeft) {
      // get hour, minute and second element using jQuery selector
      var daysContainer = $(container).find('.day');
      var hoursContainer = $(container).find('.hour');
      var minsContainer  = $(container).find('.min');
      var secsContainer  = $(container).find('.sec');
      // hold time left
      var currentTimeLeft = timeLeft;
      // 1 second = 1000 ms
      var secondsForTimer = 1000;  
      // hold ID value return by setInterval()
      var timerInterval;
      // call setInteval() only when timeLeft is greater than 0
      if (currentTimeLeft == 0) {
      } else {
          //Call setInterval()function and store ID value to timerInterval. 
          timerInterval = setInterval(countdown, secondsForTimer);
      //function being passed to setInterval()
      function countdown() {
        currentTimeLeft = parseInt(currentTimeLeft - secondsForTimer);    
        if (currentTimeLeft == 0) {
           //stop calling countdown function by calling clearInterval()
        } else {        
           //calculate hours left
           var wholeSeconds = parseInt(currentTimeLeft / 1000,10);
           var wholeMinutes = parseInt(currentTimeLeft / 60000,10);
           var wholeHours   = parseInt(wholeMinutes / 60,10);
           var wholeDays   = parseInt(wholeHours / 24,10);
           //calculate hours left
           var hours = parseInt(wholeHours % 24,10);
           //calculate minutes left
           var minutes = parseInt(wholeMinutes % 60,10);
           //calculate seconds left
           var seconds = parseInt(wholeSeconds % 60,10);
           //prefix 0 to hour, min and second counter
           $(daysContainer).text((wholeDays < 10 ? "0" : "") + wholeDays + (wholeDays <=0 ? " day" : " days"));
           $(hoursContainer).text((hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours + (hours <=0 ? " hr" : " hrs"));
           $(minsContainer).text((minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes  + (minutes <=0 ? " min" : " mins"));
           $(secsContainer).text((seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds  + (seconds <=0 ? " sec" : " secs"));

    Add days container on your loop

    <div class="counter <?php echo $counterName; ?>">   
        <span class="day">00</span>
        <span class="hour">00</span>
        <span class="min">00</span>
        <span class="sec">00</span>
