I need guidance in creating a file observer in Xamarin c# (Android)
Some sort of workable example would be wonderful !
I've tried to convert the java ones over to C# but due to my lack on experience in the C# environment, it's throwing too many errors when being compiled .. and getting the write reference code within C# vs java is proving irritating ..
So PLEASE !, may someone out there point me to some sort of workable
This is a java example of a file observer https://gist.github.com/shirou/659180
Create a class that inherits from Android.OS.FileObserver
, you only need to implement the OnEvent()
and one(+) Constructors. Its a really simple pattern after you see it once... ;-)
FileObserver Class:
using System;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Util;
namespace MyFileObserver
public class MyPathObserver : Android.OS.FileObserver
static FileObserverEvents _Events = (FileObserverEvents.AllEvents);
const string tag = "StackoverFlow";
public MyPathObserver (String rootPath) : base(rootPath, _Events)
Log.Info(tag, String.Format("Watching : {0}", rootPath));
public MyPathObserver (String rootPath, FileObserverEvents events) : base(rootPath, events)
Log.Info(tag, String.Format("Watching : {0} : {1}", rootPath, events));
public override void OnEvent(FileObserverEvents e, String path)
Log.Info(tag, String.Format("{0}:{1}",path, e));
Example Usage:
var pathToWatch = System.Environment.GetFolderPath (System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
// Do not let myFileObserver get GC'd, stash it's ref in an activty, or ...
myFileObserver = new MyPathObserver (pathToWatch);
myFileObserver.StartWatching (); // and StopWatching () when you are done...
var document = Path.Combine(pathToWatch, "StackOverFlow.txt");
button.Click += delegate {
if (File.Exists (document)) {
button.Text = "Delete File";
File.Delete (document);
} else {
button.Text = "Create File";
File.WriteAllText (document, "Foobar");
adb logcat Output (when clicking on the test button):
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Create
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Open
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Modify
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:CloseWrite
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Delete
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Create
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Open
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Modify
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:CloseWrite
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Delete
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Create
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Open
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:Modify
I/StackoverFlow( 3596): StackOverFlow.txt:CloseWrite