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Vaadin radio buttons, horizontal rather than stacked vertical

I want to display my radio buttons in 1 line such as:

◎ Option1     ◉ Option2

However with Vaadin I cannot accomplish this it seems like the following,

◎ Option1

◉ Option2

here is my code:

final List<String> options = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
                "hebele", "hubele"});
        final OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup("", options);
        group.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); // user can not 'unselect'"hubele"); // select this by default

How can i change this?


  • As explained in the The Book of Vaadin, you've got to define a theme to setup your own style.css file.

    Then you can override the default style for the option to be displayed inline as follow:

    .v-app .v-select-optiongroup .v-select-option {