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Executing hybrid OpenMP/MPI jobs in MPICH

I am struggling to find the proper way to execute a hybrid OpenMP/MPI job with MPICH (hydra).

I am easily able to launch the processes and they do make threads, but they are stuck bound to the same core as their master thread whatever type of -bind-to I tried.

If I explicitly set GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY to 0-15 I get all threads spread but only provided if I have 1 process per node. I don't want that, I want one process per socket.

Setting OMP_PROC_BIND=false does not have a noticeable effect.

An example of many different combinations I tried

export OMP_PROC_BIND="false"
mpiexec.hydra -n 2 -ppn 2 -envall -bind-to numa  ./a.out

What I get is all process sitting on one of the cores 0-7 with 100% and several threads on cores 8-15 but only one of them close to 100% (they are waiting on the first process).


  • Since libgomp is missing the equivalent of the respect clause of Intel's KMP_AFFINITY, you could hack it around by providing a wrapper script that reads the list of allowed CPUs from /proc/PID/status (Linux-specific):

    GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY=$(grep ^Cpus_allowed_list /proc/self/status | grep -Eo '[0-9,-]+')
    exec $*

    This should work with -bind-to numa then.